Let's talk about the importance of marking your candidates as HIRED on Plooral.
Why is it important to always mark your candidates as hired on Plooral?
We’ll explain in the 5 points below:
1. To keep your indicators up-to-date
Why have indicators on your dashboard if the whole story isn't being told? When you mark your candidates as hired and close your position, you'll automatically see these indicators and other position details reflected in your job opening report.
2. To maintain your hiring history
When you mark a candidate as "hired", Plooral asks you to write down the details and reasons for hiring. This information is saved in your candidate's application process and can be reviewed at any time. This will also serve as data for future retention surveys.
3) To stay organized in your hiring process
Our Kanban board helps you stay organized in your hiring process. If you don’t mark a candidate as hired, it can be confusing to other hiring managers - including you!
4) To keep your account up-to-date for other users
If you are not marking your candidates as hired, you will not have a record of why the position was closed, which can be confusing for future users.
5) To help Plooral! Our CEO loves indicators as much as yours 😂
We need you to help us! The number of candidates hired on our platform is important data for us, it indicates that Plooral is growing and so are our clients! So if points1 through 4 were not enough to convince you, we hope this one will (:
If you haven't started marking your candidates as hired, we hope you start now!
If you need any help or support, email our Customer Support team!💙
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