Hi, Recruiter! It’s good to see you here! This post will teach you how to share your job openings.
Publicizing your positions is the most important step in reaching your desired candidates. Good publicity means that a considerable number of candidates will view your vacancy, and this will make it easier to find the talent you are looking for.
In addition to the platforms Plooral publishes to, as explained in this post, it is very important that you advertise your positions on your company's own digital channels. Your own website and your company's social media pages are great platforms to boost the number of people viewing your position.
Sharing your positions is easy! Go to the positions page, click on the three dots next to the position, and "share"!
On this screen, you will be able to download a photo to advertise the position as well as a link to the position to publicize it on your social networks! The images generated will match your color scheme and the area of interest of the position.
See how easy it is? Now just post and share!!
Any questions? Just get in touch with our CS team, and we'll be happy to help!💙
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